报告题目:Intelligent Gels—An Approach to Artificial Muscles and Soft Tissue
报告人:Yoshihito Osada教授
主持人:陈莉 教授
时 间:2018.4.11(周三)上午10:00
地 点:11号楼508报告厅
Soft tissue consists a main body of biological systems. It is made of hydrogels mainly composed of extra cellular matrix (ECM), which is the three-dimensional highly organized and inter-woven network of proteins and polysaccharides. ECM has three symbolic roles. They have pertinent and excellent mechanical performance, extremely low friction, and effective and selective transportation of solute molecules for cell viability. One of the important goals for gel science would be to design and create hydrogels with critical parameters, which natural tissues possess and eventually to replace them with artificial one.
Yoshihito Osada教授是高分子水凝胶研究领域的世界著名专家,其从1975年开始研究高分子水凝胶,在智能高分子水凝胶研究领域做出了杰出贡献,被称为“高分子水凝胶之父”,在Nature、Chemical Society Reviews、Advanced Materials等国际著名科学杂志上发表论文近300篇,是目前智能水凝胶领域十分活跃的科学家。
Yoshihito Osada教授于1966年在日本早稻田大学获得学士学位,于1971年在莫斯科国立大学获得博士学位。2004-2007年任日本北海道大学副校长,2008年起任日本理研(RIKEN)先进研究院副院长。